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Please send all referrals to
The usual process for placement with PCCS is as follows...

We offer tailored personalised care packages of 1:1, 2:1 or 3:1 support and Dols which are all inclusive of coaching, mentoring, restorative, and therapeutic work to help manage the transition to independence.


An initial telephone consultation to discuss vacancies and appropriateness of the referral regarding the needs of the young person


Completion of a referral form and provision of supporting information


An assessment of the referral and possibly a visit to the accommodation by the young person


Agreement on funding arrangements for the placement and placement date will be agreed


The young person will meet their support worker where the house agreement and routines will also be explained


A placement planning meeting will be held within 72 hours of placement


Pearl connexion also take emergency placements and offer respite. Due the unique nature of our work and care we are able to offer flexibility when placing services users whilst maintaining our standards of care. 

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